You can comply, complain or compete all you want. You know your true standards whether you wear it on your sleeve, slacks and socks or hide it well underneath.

Not everybody can be a leader, because every leader needs followers. Unfortunately, it takes a whole lot of losers to allow a winner to even exist. But just because we can’t beat everyone else, doesn’t mean that we can’t strive to beat ourselves.

We can overcome our minds; what we believed we were capable of. We can overcome our emotions, make ourselves feel hopeful, grateful, inspired and important. We can even overcome our physical limitations if we have the confidence, patience and determination to do it.

That’s what’s wonderful about being human.

Have you ever met those people who seem to always be running the show? Those figures who make you so intimidated that you don’t dare enter a cycling class with them… Idols, icons and impeccable individuals who ooze so much assertiveness that anyone who cannot match their frequency is left feeling inferior. The ones that make you think it’s time to back up, buttercup!

Anyone can achieve such a demeanor with the right attitude.

Characters like the winners, the leaders, the over-achievers never walk around with the intention of putting others down. It’s quite the opposite. People only look up to those who lift them up, those who make them feel lighter.

If you can use their approach as motivation to move closer to who you envision your “higher self” to be, then you won’t feel beaten by them. You will see how they are leading the lives they are actively creating for themselves and you will admire them for taking that lead.

Be a good sport and challenge yourself to become like them; or disappear in the background.

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