Facing your Shadow
Scared? Good.
Don’t fear your shadow.
Face it. We all get scared sometimes. It’s a daunting yet natural part of life.
If it was not for fear, humanity may have died off years ago due to brute barbarian bouts of brainless bravery. Imagine how easy it would have been for us to become prey to literally everything that can kill us if we never had an internal means of the measurement of our chances of survival.
Because of fear we have endured, and now we find ourselves at a crossroads. Instead of just being subject to our fears, we have realized that we have the ability to overcome them. Fear is no longer a necessary self-preservation mechanism. Now, our fears have become our enemies.
For we have identified how our fears may have prevented us from living our dreams, or even attempting to fulfill our greatest goals. We are no longer battling with the fears of survival, but with the courage it takes to thrive.
Humanity is ready for the change – fear may become our motivation for moving ahead even when it takes all the valor we can muster. Even death itself cannot shake us from the discipline required to manifest the habits of the life we desperately believe we deserve.
There is no shame, no guilt, no shadow great enough to block any one person on their path to victory. If they choose to walk their path with courage. If they choose to walk their path with lighthearted reminders on their socks that console and comfort them in their times of doubt.
It’s not the absence of fear we are attempting to attain, but the glory found within the triumph over such a force as defeating as fear.
It’s time to come out of the shadows and show off your GymSox!