Don’t Believe Everything You Think 

Have you heard about the law of attraction?

It’s true, the fundamental law of the Universe is based on attraction; but without a real understanding of this law, we can only see glimpses of how thoughts shape our reality.

It is the open parking spot right at the entrance of the shop that makes itself available to you when you were hoping just to ‘pop-in’ quickly. The dark cloud breaking the moment after you step foot inside the house. Or sticking your hand into the sock drawer only to pull out the matching sock to complete your pair.

Those who are oblivious to the law of attraction may call such events dumb-luck, or they may credit it to a happenstance of chance. Yet, quantum physicists, neuroscientists and spiritual leaders of today will agree that there is an underlying synchronizing cause.

It is thought that mind is the precursor of all things and events. If you think about it, everything that exists had to exist as an idea first. Imagine an architect with his rolled up blueprint for the building that’ss about to be built. Before that blueprint existed, there was a mental image of it in the mind of the architect. However, a lot of people are still disappointed when they walk around with happy-go-lucky positive thoughts that yield no outcome. This created some confusion.

Leading neuroscientist, Dr. Joe Dispenza was one of the first professionals to bring clarity on the subject. It turns out, that wishful thinking is just that – thinking. When Dr. Dispenza entered the field, he made sense of it all so elegantly. He explains that thoughts carry an electrical charge, but emotions generate a magnetic charge. Coincidentally, we humans utilize both thoughts and emotions.

Quantum science had already discovered quite long ago, that at the smallest scale, all physical matter is made up from an electromagnetic field. There it is revealed – the missing link is feeling! When we think a thought of a specific desire, that sends out an electrical signal to the Universe; but the only way to draw it back into our lives as a manifestation is through feeling. When we feel (in this case) gratitude, that creates a magnetic charge that literally attracts back the thought linked with it.

That’s why positive thinking doesn’t seem to work for everybody, because most often they are simply empty gestures. We need to back our thoughts up with pure and powerful feelings in order to see them reflected in our lives. If we can think of what we want with the emotion of gratitude, we will draw back that mental desire in a physically manifested form.

There is a delicate balance between thoughts, actions and feelings. When we allow our emotions to support our thoughts, and our actions to resemble that; everything lines up perfectly. That is how our thoughts shape our reality – it really is that easy! But if you think this sounds too good to be true…

Don’t believe everything you think.

Nudge-nudge wink-wink

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