Shut up legs, you’re fine 

Ever wondered how they do it?  

Professional athletes who break and set records, building empires of achievements so tall that no one can even imagine how the foundation carries such power. When it’s unfathomable to hear how it all started, because it seems too simple to be true.  

It’s just sticking to a workout routine that works for you. Or not skipping leg day… 

It’s deciding with all the willpower you have, and maybe a some extra faith, that you will reach your goal. And when your goal is breaking the barriers of what ‘should be’ humanly possible; then those boundaries can’t even exist within your mind.  

It’s determination, discipline and daring to discern yourself truthfully. It’s talking yourself up, when you feel knocked down. It’s not taking your mental *shhh* when the going gets tough.  

If you want to grow and reach for greatness, you will have to pump yourself up to be willing to do what’s necessary to get to that level of success, in whichever field you wish to excel. You will have to see the intricate connection that exists between everything!  

Every choice matters, and everything is a choice; whether conscious or subconscious. 

If you wish to improve your physical capabilities, you will have to go to the gym and sweat out all your doubt. You will have to choose the right apparel that supports your every move, and you will have to wear only the best socks to provide a firm foundation – not only for your feet; but for your mind-set too.  

You get to decide where your limits lie, in every aspect of your abilities.  

And when it’s leg day, you get to say: “Shut up legs, you’re fine! 

At least that’s what I do; because my legs might be done, but I’m NOT!  

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