You do you, and I’ll do me. It can be our new-found philosophy. 

Because you can’t know enough about me, to fulfill my every need. Only I can do that.  

And I can never know enough about you, to make you feel truly satisfied. Only you can do you like that. Only you can give yourself the love, attention, self-care and satisfaction that you crave. That is something that your gymsox will always remind you of – the power of you 

No one else can have real authority over your health. No one can have any control over your body. So, whatever you dream of, what you desire for yourself is only ever up to you. It may seem sad to have to recognize that we are quite alone in our experience of the world; but it can be equally liberating to embrace. We are totally responsible for our own thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions. Thus, we are completely accountable for the things that we experience. We have more of a choice than we realize.  

That’s why it’s frustrating when others get under our skin and we lose ourselves for a moment. Luckily, there’s nothing a little self-love can’t fix! When you focus on your self-development more than the choices of others, you will certainly end up where you are determined to be.  

Most often, most people are simply trying to do the same. Everyone is just doing their best to avoid their own suffering, and to achieve greater joy. The best way for anyone to heal from pain and to bring about more peace is by putting themselves first, above all distractions. 

That is why I will focus on me first; because “one cannot pour from an empty cup”. 

And a motivated mindset can only rely on equally matching socks… 

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