No Risk, No Reward – Risk it!
You reap what you sow, and so on and so forth…
Haven’t we all heard it before?
Perhaps it hasn’t sunk in. Perhaps we need to really grasp it.
Contemplate the thought that luck is something we can generate from our core. Think of all the moments of chance that has brought you unfathomable coincidences that left you not only speechless, but breathlessly and mindfully aware of some unique sensation that feels a little too much like fate.
Often, we give our power away to things called security and statistics, and the probabilities of prosperity avoiding us at all costs. We are not an algorithm that can be measured and used to calculate our future fortunes or lack thereof.
We are the creators of our reality, the designers of our destiny. We engineer our journey through the beliefs that we generate from within. It shouldn’t seem like too big a risk to consider the possibility that this is true for everyone, including you!
When you make a choice regarding your health and wealth and practically any other area of your well-being, there is always a chance that you may fail. Yet, when you have made that decision your motivation for getting up every day and every single time you falter, then you’ve taken matter into your own hands.
Then you shall reap the rewards of any failures that led you one step closer to your aspired success.
Don’t just grab the opportunities that life presents, really believe in your chances!