YAY… It’s Leg Day!
Leg Day
We know: that may not be how everyone feels, but the purpose of these Leg Day socks are to motivate you to keep leg days in the loop. Even if it means giving up the ability to walk for a day or two…
It’s tempting to skip, but it’s of the utmost importance to include your lower body in your strict training regime. According to quite a couple of medical and health journals, allowing your legs to participate in the gym is for more than just total muscular symmetry, aesthetic and balance.
For starters, your Gluteus Maximus (major part of the butt muscles) are the single largest muscles found within the body. That must count for something! They embed and protect the largest joint in the body, your hips. Add into this equation the hamstring muscles which are vital for any type of motion, and the calves which promote blood flow against the force of gravity all the way back up to your heart; and you’ve got a killer crucial set of muscles.
Leg day strengthens not only your glutes, hammy’s, hip-joints, calves and admirable overall physique – it also stimulates the release of particular hormones (including a hefty boost in testosterone, the steroid hormone that promotes muscle gain), the mobility of all major joints, general stability and prevention of injury.
It’s weird to imagine, but without the foundation forged by your ‘buns of steel’, cultivated calve-muscles and the rest of the lazy leggy ensemble, you wouldn’t be able to do much of the upper body movements you enjoy so much in your regular rigorous workout.
Take it from the Gym Sox team – there’s a reason why we chose the engrave our most uplifting phrases on socks instead of t-shirts; because when you’re down, only your legs can lift you back up.