Your Standards, Girl
Squats Low, Standards High
Let every single squat remind you of your standards!
Squats are not for sissies. Squats are for the strong-minded, steel-gluted, soulful girls, but that doesn’t mean it’s only for the girls.
Stabilize your solid stance, bend your legs and stretch those pants, because an exercise as simple as a squat can set you apart from the average gym-goer. Average rate of fitness injuries are a ridiculous 41% in the UK alone, which means almost half of the people you see at the gym has either already been injured, or are bound to be at some stage.
Squats can prevent injuries simply because it’s a safer leg work out that involves every joint in the legs, and nearly every muscle too. It boosts mobility and agility while enhancing the ligaments, tendons and bones to protect your low-back. Not to mention the big build in confidence – because who doesn’t want a fine-ass foundation?
Here’s what Gym Sox wants to know: How low can you go?
No lower than your deepest squat, but you can rise higher than any limits you’ve ever imagined. With a mean, motivated mindset, the movements made for multi-functional improvement and maybe a little make-believe magic, you can manifest any dream you may have.
It doesn’t matter that much what you’ve been taught to believe. The only thing that matters is that you know that you can choose to believe whatever you want. You can choose to believe that you can have whatever you want!
There is no room for settling in this life.
It really is all up to you, and it comes down to owning your emotions, mastering your mind and marveling in mindful appreciation of the moment.
Girl, when your motive becomes mastery in everything you do, no standards can be too high, and no squat too low.